A cynic's view of "Hope & Change"

Thursday, Apr. 01, 2010-1:38 am
"Hope and Change" ??? A cynic's view:

and accept it.... or they try to cope with it.
Sometimes change is for the better, and sometimes not.

Change comes slowly , marginally , in the form of quiet
transformation, gradually altering character, aesthetics,
values and life itself
in barely noticed increments.

There is sudden drastic change that comes in the form of "Acts of God".

When changes come from ACTS OF LAW, they should be arrived upon by decisions of a group who balanced the gains with the losses and VOTED.

It is quite disturbing and chilling, how monumental changes of history could have occured so quickly and with such incredible nonchalance.
As in the case of Barack Hussein Obama, who breezily declared that he "doesn't pay much attention to procedural rules".

Yo, Barrack, d-u-d-e, you are so cool!
Who needs all those old school, inconvenient laws, anyway, right dude? Those three branches of government? Aren't they are just like Latin: something you learned in high school that you don't really need to know about anymore?

Remember when you said "No backroom deals" ?
( I guess that was just a meaningless expression , like " I'll pay you back", right?)

Okay. It is now time for somebody to use the "I" word, as in "Impeachment".
I will !!
Impeachment of a President can occur when the president is found guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Isn't openly denouncing and violating the Constitution - which is exactly Obama has done - Impeachable ?

Did Obama not swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution ?
Obama has violated his sacred oath. He has done it for the most dreary of exigencies ...his bloated ego. He deserves Impeachment, and that idea is the one positive in these pre apocoliptic times .

I want to go back... to when we were a democracy, or at least a constitutional republic, not a socialist republic.

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