If Adam Smith were alive, he�d strangle himself with his own invisible hand.

Thursday, Mar. 12, 2009-3:30 pm
"If economist Adam Smith were alive, he�d strangle himself with his own "invisible hand"." Remember that metaphor about the "invisible hand " of economics? The invisible hand is essentially a natural phenomenon that guides free markets and capitalism through competition.

If you are an adult American reading this right now, I am starting early to remind you to vote in the next presidential election. Even if you are not a U.S. citizen, come on over and vote. It doesn't matter what third world country you hail from, why not consider illegally voting in the next American election?

Especially Mexicans! You are SO close anyway! You are cordially invited to hop over the border and pull that lever. Go ahead!

I can say that. I can state any inflammatory foolishness I want, primarily because we fought the British Crown years ago so that you could be reading this, or anything else, equally inflammatory, without fear that Her Majesty's troops will break down your door and imprison you and your family for trafficking in "radical" ideas. We have the right to exchange ideas in any public forum without mayhem ensuing; and otherwise live better, freer, and more humanely than any other people anywhere.

It goes without saying that I am grateful to live in the U.S., however I still am VERY upset and concerned about the direction our country is going under the new administration.

It turns out that "change " for the sake of "change" has backfired.

This generation is witnessing the passing of the United States as the greatest industrial power and most self-sufficient republic. It is now a "Paris Hilton Nation" of greed and reckless spending with no accountability.

I keep finding myself in conversations with people (non-Republicans) who are convinced that Obama just needs "more time", and that he will "fix" all the problems and then he will win again in the next election. (--even though polls indicate that the next election is by no means a done deal for Obama. In fact more and more people who voted for him disapprove of his performance . )

180 degrees from wrong is still wrong. The country is on it's way to being completely degenerated. That little 3000 point drop in the market since he took office should whet your right-of-center politics whistle, if you're finding that that particular whistle is otherwise not being whetted.

Even right-wingers are starting to think that there is no good Republican candidate. The powers-that-be have finally succeeded in crushing my spirit .

The results of this recent election, rather than "change" things for the better, has already left many of us with a terrible taste in our mouths--a taste that combines the bitter flavor of powerlessness with the acrid tang of poverty and disenfranchisement.

Or wait... maybe it's a more specific flavor like the taste of government cheese combined with the whiff of diesel at the bus stop, where I will be when I can no longer afford to repair my car, on my way to the unemployment office.

I am actually feeling nostalgic for the LAST administration, of which I was never a supporter . I was appalled by the Bush Doctrine and his preemptive unilateral war, deceitfully started.

His watery abstract bromides and his expectation that all the world must adopt our ideologies and politics or be "the enemy" was preposterous. The country was driven by a vow of revenge after 9/11, spoken by a president who can not even speak in complete sentences.. Bush's blind illogical rage made him think that all that mattered was retribution, even if it was without direction and content.

(Since March of 2003 until today, every time I hear of a soldier's death in Iraq or Afganistan ,I stop and make the sign of the cross, in an oblique gesture of recognition.)

As much as I hated the last administration , at least then we were still safe in our long-held belief that property values and our life savings could never go up in smoke.

Who would have ever thought that one day, I'd be wishing for the days now behind us, when Bush was in office? Who could have forseen the enormity of an economic disaster that would make us look back at the Carter administration in a favorable economic way?

Rush Limbaugh was harshly criticized for expressing that he hopes Obama "fails". I'm with Rush on this one ( which is something thought I'd never say...) Since Obama represents socialism, I also hope that Obama fails. I hope that his plan to destroy family inheritances fails, (because I want mine) I hope that his plan to remove all incentive to run a small business fails.

We have 3 and a half years to go, and by then ,I am quite sure we will all be looking desperately for yet another "change".

If you're not registered, then register. Then vote. (Once, twice, or however many times you can, depending upon your standing with the good folks at A.C.O.R.N. Mexicans , you have your 'instrucciones'

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