
Tuesday, Mar. 10, 2009-10:39 am

I long for the days now behind me, when the kids were very young , before school age. I went to the children's library today to get a book for my daughter. I remembered the days when we used to go there for a few hours a day and read together. When I first returned from the west coast with two babies, it was a shift in everyone's perception. For my family, it was anomylous to see me ,with a child, after years of being a single woman. Despite intellectual knowledge that I am now someone's mother, my family and I had always had a different image of me, and an adult relationship, and now I was arriving with two babies. They may have though tit more likely that I be a trapeeze artist than I would be a 40 yeqr old moither of two.The 2 worlds were very disassociated, until they got used to it. .

I remember the plane ride to Boston. Fall of 99. Ex husband moved to a different seat to sleep. I was left with the kids . They were 1 year old and 11 months, respectively. They couldn't seem to sit still or resist behavior that was annoying the surrounding passengers. AT one point a man yelled back at me: "if you can't tell your kid to stop kicking my seat , then I will!!". Nicolas told the row behind us that he has a rash. Nicole walked around teling people about her outfits she had at home. SHe didn't know what "home" was anymore. We were leaving all they knew behind. Nicole asked wht this picture was about with peole on a plane with "floaties" on. I said that is for if the plane is a seaplane. She sais "but there's no water in sight". There you have it... I am the bearer of cute progeny. One day I just knew I simply HAD to reproduce these genes.

I always feared that parenthood was fraught with peril....soul crushing appalling loss of autonomy.
I 'd see bratty kids.. and be afraid. you'd think that evolution would have weeded out that behavior...

.But when you have your own, it is all different. Though there are tough moments..Ive been so lucky ...mine are so happy and well mannered and smart. I love them . I like them as people...young as they are....

. He said O wire for hay wire.
Oct 04 Nicolas says to my dad "will you be alone?" when told that J (who is a justice of the peace) is marrying someone.

.Nicolas asked how big are stars . I said bigger than the sun. He said is that so the place will be lit up?

Nicolas had a "list". 1. scratch my back. 2 Rub my knee. 3 make balls with your hand on my "heel" on my back (shoulder blade), 4 face me, 5 smile at me, 6 snuggle with me. 7 read me a book. He said , OK you don't have to rub my knee but you have to do all the rest.

June 1 04

Nicolas asked for a "silky" to sleep with and I gave him one of my silk pajama tops. He stuffed it into his pajama bottoms and smiled and sighed and said "this is the life!" He looked like the Michelin Man from the waist to the knees. It was so funny I couldn't stand it!

.Nicole needed to be changed. I was out and my dad was with them. SHe put a new pull -up and new pants OVER the old dirty ones and hid. When I got home, I cleaned her up and she had a bad rash. I put baking soda in a bath, and then put diaper rash creame on her and she felt better. She said "mommy magic".~~~He said that he remembers when he was "in the egg" before he was born, and that he "had nothing to do but sit there".

~~~~~~My son said "mommy did you really sew this silky cloth on the back of my blankie when I was a baby?" I said "yes , I did". He said "you know, mommy, I never thanked you".

Nicole said "I look like a supermodel." She wore a black dress a pink satin belt, a scarf. and a feather boa.
He said" it doesn't get any better than this".
May 18 ,,Nicolas still calls it a frotien, instead of protien bar. He says he wants to marry me.
Nicole said " ahem....AS I was saying.."
She knows the butterlfy makes a crysallis. After I said then the "caterpillar wraps himself up in a coccoon and sleeps and turns into a butterfly" . She corrected me.

Nicolas asked why did God make the zipper/peepee in the same place?
Are people in planes closer to God?

.Antelope/cantelope.. ...

.Nicolas buries all dead birds we find inthe "Bird Bone yard. ". We have a grave stone of a baby goose staue for all of them. ".....

."Something funny about you, mommy.you've never burped"..."how do whales sleep if they breath air?"

She had a goldfish she won at the fair in Florida. and it died overnight. When the fish died, I said "we have to remember the good times"..uh, you know,the ride home, the walk to your room..

I guess that is about it. ...We buried it in the yard in Florida.

. Aug 2004, Nicole wants a cell phone.


"BIRD-mass" is bird's Christmas. We went down the hill in the backyard and skated on the pond. He put seed in all the nests we found in the bushes as we skated Jan 07



1/09 Nicolas saw a roll of Viva paper towels o the table. He thought Viva towels had something to do with "S-e-x", as he put it. He saw the ads for viagra with the song "viva viagra", in which the man was doing a vigorous tango after taking a viagra. He thought it had something to do with "tango-ing" and s-e-x. Good Lord!

Nicolas said "is man's best friend the dog or the monkey"? He told me that he thought that because the monkey is closer in evolution, it would make a better friend.~~~~~~~~~...

. The kids and I were talking and laughing about my parents getting lost , and we decided as a last minute gift, we would get them a GPS . ~~~ Dec 08 I asked Nicole to pull up GPS systems online and find out how much and where to buy one. You guessed it: She clicked on the wrong thing . A cross section of female reproductive organs popped up. I heard Nicole reading aloud the following : "The Gr�fenberg spot, or G-spot, is a female erogenous zone which when stimulated leads to high levels of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms." "Mom, Why is there a picture of body?" "This isn't a GPS !" "Mom, what does that mean?" "What is an orgasm?" "Is that like an organism?" HA!!!

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