Time to pick the flowers

Wednesday, May. 07, 2003-12:02 pm

You too?

Life is tough, right?..or is it a gift?

What could POSSIBLY be upseting me , as I look at the faces of these gorgeous creatures in my care?

I want to stop feeling sorry for myself about life's annoying problems, and enjoy every second I have that really matters.

It occurred to me as I got annoyed at the kids for picking the tops off my pink double Angelique tulips, that the kids were doing the very logical natural thing, and may need to be corrected, but not be shamed,.... over tulips.

There is still time today, NOW, to stop sulking about hurt feelings ,trivial matters, bad luck, and finances etc., and live the good life, accepting it on the terms it really is, as it has been given to me.

I reflect upon David, my friend from many years ago. His 5 year old boy died in his arms, comatose, after a 6 month battle with inoperable brain cancer. The last words he ever said to his Daddy were "I want to go home ". Then he slipped into a coma and died a few days later. What he would not give for just a moment with his son...even if it included ALL my ever-so-troublesome "problems" with thankless work associates, money shortages, etc. Or even all of YOUR problems?

If I had one 10th the courage David has in order to get up each day,and live in the hell of another endless day that his baby will never see, I'd be better off. If I had the strength he needed just to get up each day and choose NOT sit in his car with a towel in the tailpipe, I would be smiling from ear to ear all day! What a fool I can be at times, when the memory of such a thing fades and I begin to worry about trivia.!!

Excuse me, I am going to leave the lunch dishes in the sink, and go pick flowers with the kids.

We do not HAVE to suffer inordinate amounts of pain as a lesson to like our life as it is. We can choose to be happier right now. We can choose again.

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